Old Testament is full of text that describe a God
that awed man with a well-engineered, technical flying device!
This is from the book of Moses:
Moses came on the mountain, clouds covered the mountain, and the glory
of the LORD
came upon Mount Sinai, and the clouds covered it for six days; and
on the seventh day came
the Lord called to Moses out of the the clouds. And the glory of the
LORD could be seen
by the Israleaties how fire burnt on the mountain top. And Moses went
in the middle of the
clouds and climbed the mountain and remained there for 40 days and
40 nights."
Prophet Ezechiel reports more about an impressive encounter:
the fifth day of the fourth month of the thirtieth year, as I was
walking along the river Kebar,
the heavens opened and God showed me faces ... and I looked, and saw
an impetuous wind
approaching from the north, a huge cloud and a blazing fire, and brightness
surrounding it,
and in the middle of the fire it was like blinking copper.
And in the middle of that there was like four designs; that looked
like men."
Sometime later Ezechiel recounts...

the spirit lifted me aloft, and I heard behind me a roar like from
a huge earthquake,
as the glory of the LORD lifted itself from its location. And it was
a noise from the wings
of the designs, that flapped and even a rattling next to them like
the roar of a huge earthquake."
there came the LORD with His hand over me, and said: Open yourself
and go
onto the plain; there I want to talk to you. And I went onto the plain;
and I saw that
there stood the glory of the LORD, just as I saw it on the river Kebar;
and I fell down on my face."

must have been really impressed from what he saw.
No wonder with this spectacular apparition. But why is it necessary
to go on the plain,
why did the "glory" of the Lord create such a thunderous
The ultimate answer lies in the Book of Jessiah and is also mentioned
in the war rolls from Qumran:
voice called: The LORD prepared the way in the desert,
our God made a flat path from the steppe! All valleys should rise,
and all mountains hills should lower, and what was not even, became
and what was hilly, became flat; because the glory of the LORD should
be seen!
... The grass seared, the flowers wilted; because the LORD blew in

Region/Nazca Desert, Peru)
It is clearly shown here which
preparations were required
to make the landing of the LORD in his "glory" possible.
"A flat path"!

The primitive
peoples observe astonished the active engines in the airport.
...from the Book of Jessiah Chap.60/Par.8:
"Who are those that fly like clouds,
and flap like doves?"
Gallery - Palpa / Nazca